Thursday 4th June 2009-Saturday 6th June 2009
Hosted by the University of Birmingham, UK, and sponsored by the International Society for the Study of Narrative, the 2009 Narrative Conference offers a multi- and interdisciplinary forum for addressing all dimensions of narrative and representation.
We welcome proposals for papers and panels on all aspects of narrative in any genre, period, medium and nationality. We are particularly keen to encourage participation from scholars in a range of disciplines, including, but not limited to: history, art history, literary studies, linguistics, philosophy, classical studies, modern languages, women’s studies, film studies and sociology.
Plenary speakers will include:
- David Lodge
- Francis Smith Foster
- Frank Ankersmit
Paper proposals:
Please send a maximum 300 word abstract and brief curriculum vitae (250-300 words) for 20 minute papers. Proposals must include the title of the paper, presenter’s name and institutional affiliation; email address, mailing address and telephone number.
Panel proposals:
Please send a maximum 700 word abstract-summarizing the panel’s rationale and describing each paper-and a brief curriculum vitae for each speaker (50-300 words). Proposals must include titles of papers and panel; presenters’ and panel organizer’s names and institutional affiliations; email addresses, mailing addresses and telephone numbers.
As we get closer to the deadline further detailed information on proposals will be available on the conference website.
Please send proposals to Anna Burrells – – including ‘Narrative Conference Proposal’ in the subject line of your email by no later than 0.00 GMT on 31st October 2008.
All submissions will be peer reviewed.
All speakers and delegates must register for the conference. Registration fees will be £140 for delegates and those giving papers, and £115 for students. Student places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.
Please visit the website at for registration and all of the most up to date information about the conference.
If you have any further queries please contact the conference team at:
You need to join the International Society for the Study of Narrative in order to attend the conference:
Full terms and conditions for late registration, cancellation, data protection and student registration will be available on the website shortly.