Archive for the ‘Graduate Students’ Category

Calling for Submissions: 2017 Narrative Conference Best Graduate Essay

Tuesday, April 4th, 2017

The deadline for this year’s Best Graduate Student Essay presented at the 2017 Narrative Conference is May 31. Please submit!

All graduate students who present papers at the conference are invited to compete for the prize for the best graduate student essay. The winner will receive a copy of a Perkins Prize-winning book of his or her choice and will be encouraged to expand the winning paper for consideration by Narrative. In addition, the 2017 award winner will be eligible for $500 toward expenses to attend the 2018 conference. Submit papers electronically as attachments (Word or PDF) to both of the judges: Per Krogh Hansen ( and Tara MacDonald ( Papers must be received by May 31, 2017. Papers must be unrevised conference presentations. While formatting changes, correction of typos, and the addition of a Works Cited page are acceptable, changes to the substance of the argument are not.

Summer Course in Narrative Studies open for registration!

Monday, March 14th, 2016

Summer Course in Narrative Studies (SINS) is now open for registration! SINS brings together postdoctoral students, faculty members and leading scholars for a combination of keynote lectures, participant papers, workshops and master classes. Applications are due 16 April 2016.

The Summer Course in Narrative Studies (SINS) is an intensive PhD-level course that brings together postdoctoral students, faculty members and leading scholars in a multi-disciplinary, international discussion of existing and emerging concepts and approaches in the broad field of narrative study. The course is hosted by Aarhus University and it takes place at the Sandbjerg Estate, Denmark, 7.-12. of August.

Through a combination of keynote lectures, participant papers, workshops and master classes the summer institute covers the state of the art of current approaches as well as provides the participants with outstanding possibilities of getting feedback on their own work. Key note lecturers and work shop leaders this year include Jens Brockmeier, Vera Nünning, Ansgar Nünning, Henrik Skov Nielsen, and Jan Alber.

The course welcomes scholars working with any and all type of narrative form or function, be that verbal or non-verbal, fictive or non-fictive, spontaneous or artificial, strategic or sympthomal, and presents researchers from fields such as postclassical narratology, narrative inquiry, rhetorical narrative theory, cognitive narrative theory and transmedial approaches.


Narrative 2015 – Best Student Essay

Monday, March 16th, 2015

Dear all,

The deadline for this year’s Best Graduate Student Essay presented at the 2015 Narrative Conference is April 1. Please submit!

All graduate students who present papers at the conference are invited to compete for the prize for the best graduate student essay. The winner will receive a copy of a Perkins Prize-winning book of his or her choice and will be encouraged to expand the winning paper for consideration by Narrative. In addition, the 2015 award winner will be eligible for $500 toward expenses to attend the 2016 conference. Submit papers electronically as attachments (Word or PDF) to both of the judges: Amy Elias (aelias2@utk.eduand Sue J. Kim ( Papers must be received by April 1, 2015. Papers must be unrevised conference presentations. While formatting changes, correction of typos, and the addition of a Works Cited page are acceptable, changes to the substance of the argument are not.


Sue & Amy

2014 Best Graduate Student Essay @ Narrative Conference

Tuesday, February 11th, 2014

Any graduate students who presents a paper at the conference in Boston is invited to compete for the prize for the Best Graduate Student paper at the Narrative Conference. The winner will receive a copy of a Perkins Prize-winning book of his or her choice and will be encouraged to expand the winning paper for consideration by Narrative. In addition, the 2014 award winner will be eligible for $500 toward expenses to attend the 2015 conference. Submit papers electronically as attachments (Word PC-compatible files) to both of the judges, Kay Young <> and Paul Wake <>. Papers should be sent to them by May 1, 2014. Papers must be unrevised conference presentations.

2012 Best Graduate Student Essay @ Narrative Conference

Thursday, April 12th, 2012

All graduate students who present papers at the conference are invited to compete for the prize
for the best graduate student paper. The winner will receive a copy of a Perkins Prize-winning book
of his or her choice and will be encouraged to expand the winning paper for consideration by
Narrative. In addition, the 2012 award winner will be eligible for $500 toward expenses to attend the
2013 conference. Submit papers electronically as attachments (Word PC-compatible files) to both of
the judges, Kurt Koenigsberger <> and Erin McGlothlin <emcgloth@>. Papers should be sent to them by Monday, April 30, 2012. Papers must be
unrevised conference presentations.

2012 ISSN Conference Call for Papers (Las Vegas)

Tuesday, April 19th, 2011

The Call for Papers for the 2012 International Society for the Study of Narrative Conference in Las Vegas, NV, USA is now online:

Additional details will be forthcoming.

2011 Graduate Student Essay Prize

Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

All graduate students who presented papers at the 2011 Narrative conference in St Louis are invited to compete for the prize for the best graduate student paper of the 2011 conference. The winner will receive a copy of a Perkins Prize-winning book of his or her choice and will be invited to expand the winning paper and submit it for consideration by Narrative.

Submit your papers electronically as attachments (Word PC-compatible files) to both of the judges by Tuesday, May 17: Nancy Easterlin <> and Porter Abbott <>

Be sure to submit the paper actually presented at the conference, not an expanded or edited version.  The judges understand these are conference papers, not publishable essays, and so will be read accordingly.


2010 Graduate Student Essay Prize

Monday, April 19th, 2010

All graduate students who present papers at the 2010 Narrative conference in Cleveland are invited to compete for the prize for the best graduate student paper of the 2010 conference. The winner will receive a copy of a Perkins Prize-winning book of his or her choice and will be invited to expand the winning paper and submit it for consideration by Narrative.

Submit your papers electronically as attachments (Word PC-compatible files) to both of the judges by Monday, May 17: Hilary Dannenberg,; and Tony Jackson,

Be sure to submit the paper actually presented at the conference, not an expanded or edited version.  The judges understand these are conference papers, not publishable essays, and so will be read accordingly.


Tuesday, July 7th, 2009

All graduate students who presented papers at the ISSN conference in Birmingham are invited to submit your work in competition for the graduate student prize.  The winner will receive a copy of a Perkins Prize-winning book of his or her choice, will be invited to expand the winning paper for consideration by Narrative, and will receive $500 toward expenses for the 2010 ISSN conference in Cleveland.

Please submit your papers electronically as Word attachment to both of the judges, Susan Lanser and Sheila Teahan by July 15, 2009.  The submitted papers should be ones actually presented at the conference, not expanded or edited versions of them.  For the ease of the judges, kindly double-space your manuscripts and number the pages.

Call for Nominations: 2008 Best Graduate Student Paper

Friday, May 9th, 2008


All graduate students who present papers at the ISSN Annual Conference are invited to compete for the prize for the best graduate-student paper of the 2008 conference. The winner will receive a copy of a Perkins Prize-winning book of his or her choice and will be invited to expand the winning paper and submit it for consideration by Narrative. Submit your papers electronically as attachments (Word PC-compatible files, please) to both of the judges, David Richter, and Lisa Zunshine,, no later than May 18, 2008. Be sure to submit the paper you actually presented at the conference, not some expanded or edited version of it.