Archive for July, 2016

CFP MLA 2018

Monday, July 11th, 2016

The ISSN Program Committee (Dan Punday, Paul Wake, Kay Young) invites proposals for the Society’s guaranteed session at the 2018 MLA, scheduled for January 4-7 in New York City.

A topic may be proposed by any current member(s) of ISSN, who would also chair or co-chair the chosen panel. Participation on the panel will be open to all members of MLA. Proposals for the ISSN session at MLA 2018 should include a session title and a brief rationale not to exceed one page.

Please submit your proposal to Dan Punday ( by November 1, 2016. The Program Committee will announce its selection by December 1, 2016.

Geographical Narratology CFP

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

In the past twenty or thirty years narratology has diversified into narratologies and we now commonly speak of cognitive narratology, for example, unnatural narratology, socionarratology, and historical narratology. Yet, despite the spatial turn that began to occur some time ago in the humanities and humanistic social sciences and despite the large amount of recent work on the inscription of (literary) texts in space and on the representation of space in (literary) texts, there has been no real attempt to develop a geographical narratology focused on examining the links between geography and narrative forms or traits. A special number of Frontiers of Narrative Studies, to be published in 2018, will be devoted to the exploration of the program such a narratology might follow and it will welcome, in particular, papers studying the (possible) links between geography and specific narrative features (e.g. free indirect discourse, external focalization, or anterior narration) and (possible) new exploitations of space by narrative. Please send your abstracts (300-500 words) to Gerald Prince ( by October 1, 2016. Papers will be due March 1, 2018.