Call for Nominations: 2009 Perkins Prize
This year the Perkins Prize will be judged by Professor Eileen Gillooly (Associate Director, Heyman Center for the Humanities / H2 – 1 Heyman Center / Columbia University / New York, NY 10027); Professor Dorothy Hale (Department of English / 322 Wheeler Hall / University of California at Berkeley / Berkeley, CA 94720-1030); and Gerald Prince (521 Williams Hall / University of Pennsylvania / Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305). For books published in 2007, please send inquiries or informal, brief written nominations to the Chair of the judging committee, Professor Gerald Prince, Please send a copy of the nominated book to each of the Committee members at the above addresses.
Publisher, third party, and self-nominations are appropriate. Nominations should be submitted
as soon as possible. The committee begins its deliberations in the spring; nominations received
after June 1 will be at a disadvantage.
The winner will announced at the MLA Convention in December, and the prize presented at the annual Narrative Conference the following spring. The prize, awarded to the book making the most significant contribution to the study of narrative in a given year, consists of $1,000 plus a contribution of $400 toward expenses for the winning author to attend the Narrative Conference where the award will be presented.