Archive for the ‘Elections’ Category

Announcing the winners of the 2020 ISSN Elections for Executive Council

Tuesday, November 10th, 2020

It gives me great pleasure to announce the winners of the 2020 ISSN Elections for Executive Council. Our ISSN ballot was populated by an extraordinary, talented, dedicated group of narrative scholars, and from that group these winners emerged:


Second Vice President:

Paul Dawson, University of New South Wales 


Executive Council members:

Alice Bell, Sheffield Hallam University

Marta Figlerowicz, Yale University


Many thanks to our other candidates: Jesse Matz (Kenyon College), Stefan Iversen (Aarhus University), and Pedro Ponce (St. Lawrence University), whose willingness to stand for election is a great sign of the strength of the Society.  Special thanks to this year’s Nominating Committee: Lindsay Holmgren (McGill), chair;  Jan Alber (RWTH Aachen University); Dorothy Hale (Berkeley),  and Robyn Warhol (The Ohio State University), for bringing this outstanding slate of candidates before us.


Please join me in congratulating Paul, Alice, and Marta!



Jim Phelan, Distinguished University Professor and Editor of Narrative

Election Results

Monday, November 26th, 2018

The membership of the ISSN has elected the following officers:

Second Vice-President: Lindsay Holmgren, McGill University

Members of the Executive Council:

Dorothee Birke, University of Innsbruck

Aliyyah Abdur-Rahman, University of Pennsylvania

Please join me in congratulating them! Please also join me in thanking the other candidates, whose willingness to serve is a sign of the Society’s strength: Thomas Pavel, University of Chicago; Helen H. Davis, Wilkes University, and Aaron Oforlea, Washington State University.

I also want to thank the nominations committee: Maria Mäkelä (Chair), Chris Gonzalez, Karen Kukkonen, Gerald Prince. Finally, a tip of the hat to Eddie Maloney, our Electronics Communications Coordinator, who has once again managed the election with efficiency and grace.


Jim Phelan