Archive for November, 2018

Election Results

Monday, November 26th, 2018

The membership of the ISSN has elected the following officers:

Second Vice-President: Lindsay Holmgren, McGill University

Members of the Executive Council:

Dorothee Birke, University of Innsbruck

Aliyyah Abdur-Rahman, University of Pennsylvania

Please join me in congratulating them! Please also join me in thanking the other candidates, whose willingness to serve is a sign of the Society’s strength: Thomas Pavel, University of Chicago; Helen H. Davis, Wilkes University, and Aaron Oforlea, Washington State University.

I also want to thank the nominations committee: Maria Mäkelä (Chair), Chris Gonzalez, Karen Kukkonen, Gerald Prince. Finally, a tip of the hat to Eddie Maloney, our Electronics Communications Coordinator, who has once again managed the election with efficiency and grace.


Jim Phelan

Narrative List – Call for Wayne C. Booth Award Nominees

Monday, November 5th, 2018

Dear colleagues,

The International Society for the Study of Narrative awards the Wayne C. Booth Lifetime Achievement Award to recognize outstanding scholar-teachers who have made sustained contributions to narrative studies over the course of their careers.

Please send your suggestions regarding potential nominees to the initial nominating committee:

Dan Punday (, Maria Mäkelä (, and Sylvie Patron (

The deadline for nominations is December 1, 2018.

This prize will be awarded at the 2020 Narrative Conference in New Orleans.

Thank you,

Dan Punday

Announcing the Perkins Prize for Books Published in 2017

Friday, November 2nd, 2018

Each year, the International Society for the Study of Narrative recognizes a book or books that have made the most significant contribution to the study of narrative. It is my great pleasure, as chair of this year’s Perkins Prize committee, to announce the awards for books published in 2017.

The 2017 Perkins Prize is awarded to The Principles and Practice of Narrative Medicine, co-authored by Rita Charon, Sayantani DasGupta, Nellie Hermann, Craig Irvine, Eric R. Marcus, Edgar Rivera Colón, Danielle Spencer, and Maura Spiegel, and published by Oxford University Press.

Honorable mention for the 2017 Perkins Prize is awarded to Permissible Narratives: The Promise of Latino/a Literature, written by Christopher González and published by the Ohio State University Press.

The Perkins Prize was established in honor of the “contributions of Barbara Perkins and George Perkins to the development and success of the Society, including the founding of both The Journal of Narrative Technique and the Society itself.” Citations for both books will be read during the Awards Luncheon at the 2019 Narrative conference in Pamplona.

Committee members Marco Caracciolo and Erin James join me in congratulating Rita Charon, her co-authors, and Chris González for their outstanding achievements. I also extend my hearty thanks to Marco and Erin for their intensive engagement with the large number of excellent books submitted for this year’s award and for their thoughtful and collegial deliberations.

Congrats again!


Sue Lanser