Archive for February, 2013

2014 Perkins Prize Award Announcement

Monday, February 18th, 2013

The prize, awarded to the book making the most significant contribution to the study of narrative in a given year, consists of $1,000 plus a contribution of $500 toward expenses for the winning author to attend the Narrative Conference where the award will be presented.

For books published in 2012, please send inquiries or nominations (the title is enough) to the Chair of the judging committee, Professor Irene Kacandes:  Please send a copy of the nominated book to *each* of the Committee members at the addresses listed below.  Publisher, third party, and self-nominations are appropriate.  Deadline for nominations AND receipt of books is June 1, 2013. The winner will be announced at the  Chicago MLA Convention in January 2014, and the prize will be presented at the Narrative Conference in Boston in April 2014.

The committee for the Perkins Prize for Books Published in 2012 will be:

Adam Zachary Newton (Yeshiva University)
Ellen S. Peel (San Francisco State University)
chair of the committee, Irene Kacandes (Dartmouth College)

The deadline for *RECEIPT* of books is:

June 1, 2013

Books should be sent by authors or their publishers directly to each of us at the following addresses:

A.Z. Newton:
1956 Miles NE
Atlanta, GA

E.S. Peel:
1739 Lexington Ave.
San Mateo, CA  94402


I. Kacandes
6084 Dartmouth Hall
Hanover, NH 03755-3511