Archive for the ‘Announcements’ Category

Wayne C. Booth Lifetime Achievement Award 2018

Tuesday, November 7th, 2017
On behalf of the Executive Committee of the International Society for the Study of Narrative, I am delighted to be able to announce that the winner of the Wayne C. Booth Lifetime Achievement Award for 2018 is the distinguished narratologist, cultural theorist, visual-arts critic and film-maker Mieke Bal, of the University of Amsterdam.
She will be receiving her award during the Awards Luncheon at the 2018 annual conference in Montréal, April 21, 2018, and will be honored with a special panel devoted to her work and career.
Please join the Executive Committee in congratulating our colleague Mieke Bal.
Jan Alber
President, ISSN

Perkins Prize 2017

Tuesday, November 7th, 2017
As Chair of the ISSN’s Perkins Prize committee, I have the pleasure of announcing this year’s winner.  The Perkins Prize for the book making the most significant contribution to the study of narrative in 2016 goes to:

Kent Puckett, for Narrative Theory: A Critical Introduction (Cambridge University Press).

Please join me and my fellow Perkins Prize committee-members, Porter Abbott and Sue J. Kim, in congratulating Kent for his signal achievement.
The Perkins Prize was established in honor of “the many past and continuing contributions of Barbara Perkins and George Perkins to the development and success of the Society, including the founding of both The Journal of Narrative Technique and the Society itself.” The award consists of a prize of $1000 plus a contribution of $500 toward expenses for the winning author to attend the Narrative Conference, where the award is presented.  The citation for Narrative Theory: A Critical Introduction will be read during the Awards Luncheon at the 2018 annual conference of the ISSN in Montréal, April 21, 2018.

My thanks to Porter and Sue for their scrupulous reading of a very large pile of contenders, and for the good humor of their deliberations .

All the best,
Brian McHale

Call for Nominations: Wayne C. Booth Lifetime Achievement Award

Wednesday, October 25th, 2017

The International Society for the Study of Narrative awards the Wayne C. Booth Lifetime Achievement Award to recognize outstanding scholar-teachers who have made sustained contributions to narrative studies over the course of their careers.

Please send your suggestions regarding potential nominees to the initial nominating committee:

Jan Alber (, Dan Punday (, and Maria Mäkelä (

The deadline for nominations is November 30, 2017.

This prize will be awarded at the 2019 Narrative Conference in Pamplona, Spain.

Podcast: Twenty-five years of Narrative

Monday, May 8th, 2017

The Ohio State Press has now made available a podcast recorded at the 2017 ISSN Conference about the ISSN journal at twenty-five years:   Just scroll down a little and look on the right side of the page for the link.

I’m very grateful to Emily Taylor, journals manager at the Press, and Nick Potkalitsky, the graduate student assistant for the journal, for their work on the podcast.  I’m equally grateful to the ISSN members who agreed to participate in the conversation: Gerry Prince, Sue Lanser, Sue J. Kim, and Per Krogh Hansen.
Further conversation welcome in this forum or at
Jim Phelan

Calling for Submissions: 2017 Narrative Conference Best Graduate Essay

Tuesday, April 4th, 2017

The deadline for this year’s Best Graduate Student Essay presented at the 2017 Narrative Conference is May 31. Please submit!

All graduate students who present papers at the conference are invited to compete for the prize for the best graduate student essay. The winner will receive a copy of a Perkins Prize-winning book of his or her choice and will be encouraged to expand the winning paper for consideration by Narrative. In addition, the 2017 award winner will be eligible for $500 toward expenses to attend the 2018 conference. Submit papers electronically as attachments (Word or PDF) to both of the judges: Per Krogh Hansen ( and Tara MacDonald ( Papers must be received by May 31, 2017. Papers must be unrevised conference presentations. While formatting changes, correction of typos, and the addition of a Works Cited page are acceptable, changes to the substance of the argument are not.

Inviting submissions for the 2018 Perkins Prize

Sunday, March 5th, 2017

Established in 1994, the Perkins Prize honors Barbara Perkins and George Perkins, the founders of both The Journal of Narrative Technique and the Society itself. The prize, awarded to the book making the most significant contribution to the study of narrative in a given year, consists of $1,000 plus a contribution of $500 toward expenses for the winning author to attend the Narrative Conference where the award will be presented.

The Perkins Prize is conceived as a book prize rather than an author prize. Thus all books on the topic of narrative, whether edited collections, collaboratively written books, or monographs, are eligible to compete. If an edited collection or collaboratively written book is selected, the prize goes to the editor(s) or the collaborators. The winner of the competition for books published in 2016 will be announced at the New York MLA Convention in January 2018, and the prize will be presented at the Narrative Conference in Montréal, Québec, in April 2018.

To nominate books with a copyright date of 2016, please send an email with “Perkins Prize” in the subject line to The Chair of the judging committee:

Brian McHale

Publisher, third-party, and self-nominations are all appropriate.  Copies of books must be sent to each of the three judges. Please indicate in the nominating email whether the publisher or the author will send the books. The deadline for nominations and for receipt of books by the judges is June 1, 2017.

Books should be sent by authors or their publishers directly to each of the three members of the judging committee:

Brian McHale
Department of English
The Ohio State University
421 Denney Hall
164 Annie and John Glenn Ave.
Columbus OH 43210
Porter Abbott
7271 Gills Pier Rd.
Northport, MI  49670
Sue J. Kim
Department of English
UMass Lowell
O’Leary Library 476
61 Wilder Street
Lowell, MA 01854

2017 Booth Lifetime Achievement Award

Thursday, December 1st, 2016

From President Brian McHale:

“On behalf of the Executive Committee of the International Society for the Study of Narrative, I am delighted to be able to announce that the winner of the 2017 Booth Lifetime Achievement Award is the distinguished narrative theorist and independent scholar, Marie-Laure Ryan.  She will be receiving her award during the Awards Luncheon at the 2017 annual conference at the University of Kentucky, 25 March 2017, and will be honored with a special panel devoted to her work and career.

For a brief bio-bibliographic note on Marie-Laure Ryan, please see the link below.
Please join the Executive Committee in congratulating our colleague Marie-Laure Ryan.”

Perkins Prize Winner 2017

Monday, November 7th, 2016

Award Announcement from the Vice-President of ISSN, Jan Alber:

“As Chair of this year’s Perkins Prize committee, I now have the pleasure of announcing the winner.

The Perkins Prize for the book making the most significant contribution to the study of narrative in 2015 goes to:

Erin James, for The Storyworld Accord: Econarratology and Postcolonial Narratives (Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press).

And an Honorable Mention goes to:

Robyn Warhol and Susan S. Lanser (eds.), for Narrative Theory Unbound: Queer and Feminist Interventions (Columbus: The Ohio State University Press).

Congratulations for these excellent books. The citations will be read at the Narrative conference in Lexington, KY, in March 2017.

The Perkins Prize was established in honor of “the many past and continuing contributions of Barbara Perkins and George Perkins to the development and success of the Society, including the founding of both The Journal of Narrative Technique and the Society itself.” The award consists of a prize of $1000 plus a contribution of $500 toward expenses for the winning author to attend the Narrative Conference, where the award is presented.

My thanks to the other members of the prize committee this year, Alice Bell and Thomas Pavel, for their scrupulous work.


ISSN 2016 Election Results

Thursday, November 3rd, 2016
The ISSN membership has elected Maria Mäkelä of the University of Tampere as Second Vice-President, and Per Krogh Hansen of the University of Southern Denmark and Tara MacDonald of the University of Idaho as members of the Executive Council.  Please join me in congratulating Maria, per, and Tara in and thanking them in advance for the valuable work they’ll do on behalf of the Society over the next several years.
Please also join me in thanking our other excellent candidates for their willingness to serve: Nancy Pedri, Marco Caracciolo, and Catherine Romagnolo.

Officer Nominations

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016

Dear Members of ISSN,

This October the Society will elect two new Executive Board
members, to serve for three years, as well as its next
Second Vice-President, who serves for four years
(proceeding to First Vice-President, President, and Past
President). The nominations for these positions are drawn
up by the nominating committee, which comprises the current
VP and two other Society members.

This year, that is Sarah Copland (MacEwan University), Mari
Hatavara (University of Tampere), and me (Aarhus Institute
of Advanced Studies).

All ISSN members are invited to propose names for the
nominating committee to consider. Self-nominations are
entirely in order, so don’t be shy!

Note that eligible candidates will have attended recent
ISSN conferences, and will usually commit to attending two
meetings of the ISSN Executive Board in each year of their
term – one at the ISSN Conference and one at the MLA
Convention. At the same time, don’t hesitate to nominate
someone, including yourself, who for good reason (lack of
funding, distance, etc.) cannot make it to MLA. Candidates
for Second VP should have attended 3 out of the last 5
annual conferences.

Please send your suggestions to Sarah, Mari, and me (along
with a brief indication of the reason for your
recommendation) no later than July 15, 2016.

Sarah Copland:
Mari Hatavara:
Jan Alber:

All the best,
Jan Alber