Narrative Society Conference

Archive for the ‘CFP’ Category

Call for Papers: ACLA 2017 – History, Fiction, and Historical Fiction

Tuesday, September 27th, 2016

Call for Papers:
“ACLA 2017: July 6-9, 2017, Utrecht, Netherlands

Proposed Seminar: History, Fiction, and Historical Fiction

Organizers: Chris Chiasson, Indiana University Bloomington
Charles Chiasson, University of Texas at Arlington

Georg Lukács initiated a fruitful line of inquiry into the conditions of nineteenth-century realism with his pioneering study The Historical Novel (1937) and Hayden White has spawned an even more capacious literature about the narratological strategies of historical writing with his Metahistory: The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Europe (1973). Strangely, though, the connections suggested by these two seminal works between nineteenth-century historiography and literature have yet to be fully explored, and the general questions they raise about the relations between history and literature have been addressed in broad theoretical terms more often than in discussions of concrete examples. This seminar proposes to examine the generic and narratological interplay between literary and historical writing through close readings of particular works.

Beginning with Herodotus and Thucydides in the Western tradition, historians have borrowed large-scale narrative architecture, small episodes, and particular verbal formulations from literary genres high – ode, tragedy, and epic, among others – and low – folk tale, comedy, and novel, among many others. At the same time, literary writers have not only mined historians’ accounts for source material but re-plotted them, lifted anecdotes and exempla, and used them to adjust their notions of literary form in a general evolution towards more complex chronotopes and the more open-ended structures of the novel, if Bakhtin is to be believed. Each paper should address how a particular historical text adapts a generic or narrative strategy from a literary text or corpus, or vice versa.

Topics could include but are not limited to:
– the Greek and Roman historians’ use of epic, lyric, and tragedy, and the use made of them in turn by later literary writers
– the relationship of the Medieval chronicle to the Arthurian romance
– how 16th century writers used the Greek and Roman historians for micro-genres like the anecdote and the exemplum
– questions of verisimilitude relating to history and literature in the Italian Renaissance
– historical drama from Shakespeare to German Romanticism
– Hume, Gibbon, and the eighteenth-century British novel
– the relations between the 19th-century historical novel and the great 19th-century histories
– modernist and post-modernist historical novels, especially attempts to abandon traditional literary form and create radically open-ended structures in line with current theorizing about avoiding the imposition of narrative on history
– emplotment and endings in historical narratives according to White, Ricoeur, Kermode, D. A. Miller, and/or Peter Brooks
– micro-history’s relation to fiction
– thinking about literary form in terms of big history (e.g., Richard McGuire) and non-human agents in contemporary history and literature (e.g., Wendy Doniger)

Abstracts (~250 words) will be accepted through the ACLA website from September 1 to September 23, 2016. If you have any questions about the seminar, please contact Chris Chiasson (”

CFP: Wolfgang Iser – Towards a literary anthropology

Tuesday, September 27th, 2016

Call for Papers:
Wolfgang Iser – Towards a literary anthropology

Enthymema, n. 15 (June 2017)
Deadline for proposals: 31st January 2017

“On the intersection of the tenth anniversary of his death (2007) and of the fortieth anniversary of the first publication of his most famous work The Act of Reading (Der Akt des Lesens, 1976), we would like to celebrate the critic and literary theorist Wolfgang Iser with a special section.
Our reflection can only start from the critical classic The Act of Reading that contributed in making reader’s response theories a cornerstone, generating a most lively debate, in the field of literary theory in the following forty years. Nevertheless, we would also like to provide a better focus on the arrival point of Iser’s critical and theoretical reflections.
In the thirty years that separated the issue of that fundamental work from his death, Iser never stopped expanding his research. First, he moved from the field of English literature on Spenser, Beckett, and Joyce to theoretical studies on the concepts – so relevant in the current debate – of the fictive and the imaginary. Eventually, Iser developed the project of a new discipline, namely literary anthropology, with which he aimed to provide an account of literature as a universal and human device for self-interpretation, as a tool for the relentless urge of human beings to become known to themselves.
Iser was aware of the fact that in order to analyse such a complex human activity, a single, fixed perspective is not enough: (self) interpretation is not just a practice, it is a human need that allows us to expand and shape ourselves. Literature works in the same vein. Indeed, the latter is nothing but interpretation at every level.
Such an enquiry of human life requires specific heuristic tools and cannot make use of frames borrowed from other disciplines. The risk would otherwise be that literature is merely used to provide illustrative examples. Which is why in his more recent works (especially in The Range of Interpretation, 2000) he pursued a self-contained heuristic framework within the new discipline. Still, he continuously kept an eye open on all possible intersections with hermeneutics, cybernetics, biology, and cognitive and evolutionary studies.
It is with the same spirit that we are inviting contributions for proposals on Iserian themes with the aim to reflect on his own theoretical production, and to continue his own project.
Article proposals in English, Italian, French, or German, must be sent to and must contain the following details: the title of the contribution, a 350-500 word abstract, and a short bio-bibliographical profile of the author (including e-mail address and the university/institution of affiliation). The deadline for proposals is 31st January 2017.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

– Reading and readers; theories of the interaction between the reader and the text; current relevance and need of aesthetical response theories; the implied reader.
– Indeterminacy, implied reader, and the narrative text.
– Indeterminacy as the mark of narrative genres.
– Literature and play. The interaction between the fictive and the imaginary.
– Fiction, fictive, and fictional.
– Towards a literary anthropology: problems, questions, and reflections.
– Literature as self-interpretation and self-poiesis.
– Wolfgang Iser as a literary critic and theorist.
– Influence of Iser’s theories in the current critical and theoretical debate.
– The application of Iser’s theories in the field of narrative studies.

CFP: Diegesis – Illness Narratives

Tuesday, September 27th, 2016

Call for Papers:
The e-journal DIEGESIS ( invites abstracts, reviews of new works, and conference reports on the theme of “Illness Narratives”.

Deadline for the submission of abstracts: September 30th, 2016
Deadline for the submission of articles: June 30th, 2017

“We relate and describe illnesses in different situations, for various purposes, and in diverse ways. The range of illness narratives includes, among others, documentation of patients’ medical histories, autobiographical accounts of illness (clinical narratives),
narratives which are co-constructed during doctor-patient conversations, case reports in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, fictional accounts of illnesses, as well as visual and narrative representations of sick people and disease in painting, photography, film, and other media. Recently, empirical disciplines have made some initial attempts to develop a “narratology of doctor-patient communication” (Elisabeth Gülich) and to bring about
a ‘narrative turn’ within medicine.
The DIEGESIS-issue “Illness Narratives” explores the nexus of illness and its narrative representation. Which specific functions does narrative (re-)construction of illness fulfil?
Is there a connection between specific illnesses and their respective narratives (and if so, is it useful for differential diagnostic purposes)? In order to do justice to the diversity of illness narratives, we invite scholars from different disciplines to submit proposals for methodological contributions, exemplary case studies with a focus on narratology, or comparative investigations drawing on conversational linguistics, psychology, psychotherapy, medicine, cultural studies, history, sociology, literary studies, art
studies, and other disciplines.
We invite abstracts of approximately half a page (DIN-A4) by September 30th, 2016 at the latest. Please send your abstract, along with a brief CV, to the editorial team of
DIEGESIS: The editorial team and the editors will decide on the acceptability of proposals by November 15th, 2016. Contributions have to be submitted by June 30th, 2017. The issue will be published in December 2017.
In addition, we always welcome REVIEWS of new works (i.e. works published in the last three to four years) in the field of narratology; we specifically welcome cross-disciplinary contributions in addition to contributions from those working in the fields of language and literature. Recommendations for reviews can be sent to the aforementioned e-mail address at any time; in your e-mail, you should name the book(s) you would like to review and provide a brief overview of your academic career.
Furthermore, we would also like to invite suggestions for CONFERENCE REPORTS on any events in the field of narrative research. If you want to send us proposals for such reports please include brief information on the topic, venue, date, and organizers of
the event as well as a short outline of your academic career.”

CFP MLA 2018

Monday, July 11th, 2016

The ISSN Program Committee (Dan Punday, Paul Wake, Kay Young) invites proposals for the Society’s guaranteed session at the 2018 MLA, scheduled for January 4-7 in New York City.

A topic may be proposed by any current member(s) of ISSN, who would also chair or co-chair the chosen panel. Participation on the panel will be open to all members of MLA. Proposals for the ISSN session at MLA 2018 should include a session title and a brief rationale not to exceed one page.

Please submit your proposal to Dan Punday ( by November 1, 2016. The Program Committee will announce its selection by December 1, 2016.

Geographical Narratology CFP

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

In the past twenty or thirty years narratology has diversified into narratologies and we now commonly speak of cognitive narratology, for example, unnatural narratology, socionarratology, and historical narratology. Yet, despite the spatial turn that began to occur some time ago in the humanities and humanistic social sciences and despite the large amount of recent work on the inscription of (literary) texts in space and on the representation of space in (literary) texts, there has been no real attempt to develop a geographical narratology focused on examining the links between geography and narrative forms or traits. A special number of Frontiers of Narrative Studies, to be published in 2018, will be devoted to the exploration of the program such a narratology might follow and it will welcome, in particular, papers studying the (possible) links between geography and specific narrative features (e.g. free indirect discourse, external focalization, or anterior narration) and (possible) new exploitations of space by narrative. Please send your abstracts (300-500 words) to Gerald Prince ( by October 1, 2016. Papers will be due March 1, 2018.

Call for Papers: “The Comics of Alison Bechdel: From the Outside In”

Thursday, June 30th, 2016

Call for Papers
The Comics of Alison Bechdel: From the Outside In

“The Comics of Alison Bechdel: From the Outside In” is a proposed volume in the series Critical Approaches to Comics Artists at the University Press of Mississippi. This volume will contain an array of critical essays on the comics of Alison Bechdel, offering new examinations of her entire body of work.

The collection takes as its starting point the phrase “from the outside in,” and proposes to look at Bechdel from several perspectives: Bechdel as an outsider and her changing position in the world of comix/comics and beyond; her investigation of interior life and its relationship to the outside world; and her many modes of drawing, writing, and performing queerness. Essays from interdisciplinary perspectives are encouraged, including critical approaches from comics studies, art history, cultural studies, material culture, print culture, life writing, queer theory, trauma studies, psychoanalytic theory, history of sexuality, archive studies, and adaptation studies.

Essays that engage Bechdel in light of the following topics would be particularly welcome (although this list is by no means exhaustive or prescriptive; essays that address topics not listed here will be considered as well):

Bechdel as outsider/in from the margins:

· alt-comix: the world of Dykes to Watch Out For and how it changed the world of comics/comix

· Bechdel and alternative weeklies

· Bechdel and censorship

· Bechdel in the classroom/Bechdel and pedagogy

· Bechdel in the academy/the Bechdel industry

· Bechdel the bestseller

Interiors and the outside world:

· imagined spaces/places/objects

· furniture and design

· architecture

· autography/memoir/life writing

· trauma/mourning

· inside the archive

· sexuality and subjectivity

Drawing, writing, performing queerness:

· the many modes of Alison Bechdel: blogging, interviews, adaptation, photography, film and Hollywood cinema (the Bechdel test)

· Bechdel and music: popular, classical, queer

· Bechdel and Broadway: music, adaptation, the tradition of comics on the stage

· Bechdel and the body: gender normativity, butchness, bodybuilding

· Bechdel and performativity

· Bechdel and queer print culture

· LGBT history and activism

Please send abstracts of at least 500 and no more than 1000 words, along with CV and contact information, to Janine Utell at by December 1.

2017 ISSN Conference CFP

Tuesday, June 14th, 2016

Call for Papers-LEON EDEL PRIZE

Tuesday, June 14th, 2016

The Leon Edel Prize is awarded annually for the best essay on Henry James by a beginning scholar. The prize carries with it an award of $150, and the prize-winning essay will be published in HJR.

The competition is open to applicants who have not held a full-time academic appointment for more than four years. Independent scholars and graduate students are encouraged to apply.

Essays should be 20-30 pages (including notes), original, and not under submission elsewhere or previously published.

Send electronic submissions to:

Author=s name should not appear on the manuscript. Please identify essays as submissions for the Leon Edel Prize.

A brief curriculum vitae should be included. Decisions about regular publication are also made at the same time as the prize decision.

Deadline: November 1, 2016

Extended Call for Papers- ‘Small Screen Fictions’

Wednesday, June 1st, 2016

Special issue of Paradoxa, ‘Small Screen Fictions’

Extended Call for Papers (anticipated publication date: December, 2017)

Editors: Astrid Ensslin (University of Alberta, Canada); Paweł Frelik (Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland); Lisa Swanstrom (Florida-Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, USA)

In the last few decades, digital technologies have dramatically reconfigured not only the circumstances of media production and dissemination, but also many of their cultural forms and conventions, including the roles of users, producers, authors, audiences, and readers. Arguably the most spectacular of these digital transformations have affected the large screens of cinema multiplexes and the increasingly large screens of home televisions, but other narrative forms have emerged on a smaller screens as well.
Today, with growing frequency, narratives are experienced on the smaller screens of laptops, tablets, and even mobile phones. These narratives often involve direct reader/viewer/player interaction, enabling highly idiosyncratic, individualized and unique narrative experiences. Some of these fictions are merely digitized or wikified versions of texts previously available in the codex form—their digital conversion affects some of the ways in which readers engage with them, but the basic structures of these narratives remain unchanged. Some others, however, have been written and designed (these two words often blur) specifically for these small screens. Their functionalities and affordances are not replicable in any other medial form, nor do they demonstrate an allegiance to any single pre-existing art form.
Paradoxa seeks articles for a special issue devoted to “Small Screen Fictions.” Both in-depth analyses of individual texts and more general, theoretical discussions are invited. The genres and media of interest include but are not limited to:

• DVD novels, such as Steve Tomasula’s TOC (2009);
• literary-narrative video games and ludic, gamelike fictions whose principal interest is in offering innovative storytelling experiences, such as Dear Esther(2012) and Device6 (2013);
• twitter and blog texts, such as Jennifer Egan’s “Black Box” (2012);
• collectively written, locative online texts, particularly those breaking narrative linearity, such as Hundekopf (2007), The LA Flood Project (2013) andThe Silent History (2013);
• interactive graphic novels, such as Nam Le’s The Boat (2014);
• genre-bending, dialogic hybrids, such as Blast Theory’s Karen (2015);
• neo-hypertextual fictions enabled by user-friendly authoring software such as Twine;
• physically distributed narratives that make use of small screen spaces, not merely to create and display fictions, but also to navigate, negotiate, and interact with real-world spaces through geo-caching or other means, such asIngress (2013), Cartegram (2014), and Call of the Wild (2015).

Similarly, possible approaches to such screen texts include but are not limited to:

• the changing cultural patterns and expectations of engagement with narrative;
• the reality and illusions of linearity and non-linearity;
• the shifting nature of public and private spectatorship;
• the role of touch and tactility, as well as other human senses in experiencing narratives;
• the blurring of the verbal and the visual, of fact and fiction, of reading and writing, of natural and artificial;
• the economic, social, and political contexts of authorship and readership of such texts;
• the implications of such narrative experiences for the meaning(s) and perceptions of fiction, genre and literature.

Abstracts of 500 words should be submitted by 15 August 2016 to the editors: Astrid Ensslin <>, Pawel Frelik <> Lisa Swanstrom <>. Authors of selected abstracts will be notified by 30 September 2016. Full drafts (6,000 to 8,000 words) will be due by 31 December 2016.

CFP: Look Both Ways: Narrative and Metaphor in Education

Wednesday, June 1st, 2016

Look Both Ways: Narrative and Metaphor in Education: a Conference –  VU University, Amsterdam  to be held  30 March to 1 April 2017

Over the last 30 years, educationists have drawn increasingly on insights from philosophy, psychology, anthropology, cognitive science and linguistics to examine the roles played by narrative and metaphor in every domain of educational theory and practice. The narrative and metaphor perspectives have, however, mostly been used separately and opportunities for researchers and educators to meet and share their ideas are rare. This conference takes up the challenge of bringing educationists who have employed the narrative lens into conversation with those who have employed the metaphor lens. It highlights the work of those few researchers who have demonstrated ‘binocular vision’ (that is, employed the two perspectives in combination) in their study of education. The implications of research for teaching and policy practice will be particularly emphasized. The result should be a fuller account than has previously been attempted of the intricate relations which operate at the nexus between narrative and metaphor in and of education.

There will be 6 keynote presentations, by scholars who have undertaken outstanding work on narrative and metaphor in educational theory or practice.:
Jean Clandinin, Vera Caine & Sean Lessard – University of Alberta, Canada
Martin Cortazzi – University of Warwick & Lixian Jin – De Montfort University, UK
Kieran Egan – Simon Fraser University, Canada
Michael Hanne – University of Auckland, New Zealand
Martijn Meeter – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Niklas Pramling – University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Questions to be explored at the conference include:

  • What specific forms do metaphor and narrative take in the educational context (ranging from learning and teaching to policy making)? How are metaphor and narrative related? Are there subject areas in which metaphor is a more effective tool for thinking and others where narrative is more useful? How may the two devices best be used in combination?
  • How do educational practitioners use metaphor and narrative as strategies in teaching or learning? In what special ways may narrative and metaphor be employed in, e.g. teacher training, counselling, and the education of learners with special needs?
  • There has been much research on how shifts in metaphor may change our thinking. How can learners and other educational practitioners become aware of the advantages and disadvantages of using metaphor? Do we need to be equally aware of the importance of shifts in narrative?
  • How are questions of e.g. agency and power both highlighted and occluded by the narratives and metaphors most commonly used in contemporary educational discourse?
  • What particular narrative and metaphor issues arise around educational theory and practice in different cultures, including developing countries?
  • Has the introduction of digital technology influenced the way in which teachers and learners employ narrative and metaphor?
  • There has been much concern about how metaphors of ‘accounting’ and ‘the market’ have come to dominate contemporary policy discourse in education. How might fresh metaphor perspectives cause us to view the challenges in education differently, and how might fresh narrative perspectives assist us to envisage fresh solutions?
  • How are narrative and metaphor employed as research tools within the educational context?

Proposals for interactive paper sessions, posters and 75-minute workshops (with an applied focus) are invited from scholars and practitioners in every field of education. Presentations employing innovative or creative formats are particularly welcome and submissions by practising teachers are invited. Submission deadline: 14 October 2016

Registration: 1 October 2016 – 17 February 2017.


For further details, see the conference website at:

The conference will be organized from the Vrije Universiteit teacher training institute (at the Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences) in Amsterdam by a team of education, narrative and metaphor specialists and in collaboration with Metaphor Lab Amsterdam. It
 is the fourth in a series on the role of narrative and metaphor in different disciplines. The first, relating to medicine, was held at UC Berkeley in 2010. The second, relating to politics, was held at Claremont Graduate University in 2012. The third, relating to law, was held at Stanford Law School in early 2016.