University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
April 3-6, 1997

SESSION VIII: Sat., April 5, 10:15-11:45 a.m.

8.A Negotiating the Musical Subject: Autobiography, Sexuality and Race in Twentieth Century Concert Music
President's Ballroom

Lisa Barg, SUNY, Stony Brook
"A 'real American opera'?: Hidden Narratives and Racial Desire in Virgil Thomson's Four Saints and Three Acts"

Murat Eyuboglu, SUNY, Stony Brook
"Music as Autobiography: The Case of Gustav Mahler's Wunderhorm Symphonies"

Lloyd Whitesell, SUNY, Stony Brook
"Fantasies of the Closet in Gaspard de la Nuit"

Respondent: Peter Rabinowitz, Hamilton College

Moderator: Murat Eyuboglu, SUNY, Stony Brook

8.B Literary Narrative and Historical Analysis: Views of the Nineteenth Century
Conference Room 1

Maura O'Connor, University of Cincinnati
"Narratives of the Nation: Corinne and the Making of Italy"

Sheryl Kroen, University of Florida
"Letting 'Tartuffe' be our Guide: The French Restoration, 1815-1830"

Susan Hegeman, University of Florida
"Rethinking 'Mass Culture as Woman': Stephen Crane's Maggie "

Moderator: Susan Hegeman, University of Florida

8.C Geographic Transformations: Victorian Narratives of Self and Place

Joseph Childers, University of California at Riverside
"Children of the Ghetto and the Transformation of English Jewry"

Ronald Thomas, Trinity University
"Crossing the Bridge of Sighs: Victorians in Venice, and the Venice in Victorians"

Helena Michie, Rice University
"Victorian Honeymoons in the Alps: Cultural Work in the 'Play of Europe'"

Moderator: Rebecca Stern, Rice University

8.D Unwritten Love Letters
Conference Room 4

Leland Monk, Boston University
"Lytton Strachey and the Politics of Love"

Carol Siegel, Washington State University, Vancouver
"Empire of the Sensible: The Return of Jane Austen and the Disciplining of Love"

Laura Frost, Columbia University
"Screen Memories: Trauma and Unspeakable Desire in Hiroshima Mon Amour"

William Cohen, University of Maryland
"The Masochism of the Professoriate"

Moderator: Leland Monk, Boston University

8.E Strategies of Modernist Narration University B

Ambreen Hai, Smith College
"To (W)rite a Passage to India: Forster's Anxious Narrative of Inbetweenness"

Sarah Hardy, Hampden-Sydney College
"Scenes of Diagnosis in the Short Fiction of William Carlos Williams"

Margaret Scanlan, Indiana University South Bend
"The Information Revolution: Narrating Violence in Conrad's Under Western Eyes"

Moderator: Ambreen Hai, Smith College

8.F Strategies of Cultural Appropriation in Contemporary Fiction
Conference Room 2

Deneen Senasi, University of Alabama
"Passion Pleye: Performative Narrative and the Charm of Making in Jeanette Winterson's The Passion"

Patricia Linton, University of Alaska Anchorage
"Accommodation and Appropriation in Contemporary Fiction: Graciela Limón's Song of the Hummingbird"

Marcia Green, San Francisco State University
"It Takes Two to Tango: The Influence of Tango Narrative on Postmodern Artists"

Moderator: Will Hasty, University of Florida

8.G Narrating Postcolonial History
Conference Room 3

Doug Payne, University of San Diego
"Allegory as Symptom and Practice in Mahasweta Devi's 'Pterodactyl, Puran Sahay and Pirtha'"

Harveen Sachdeva Mann, Loyola University
"The Magic Idyll of Antiquated India: Patriarchal Nationalism in R.K. Narayan's Fiction"

Moderator: Harveen Sachdeva Mann, Loyola University

8.H Appropriations and Intertextualities of Nineteenth Century Narratives
University A

Bernard Duyfhuizen, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
"The Fallen Angel in the House: East Lynne as the Anti-Jane Eyre"

Elizabeth Zanichkowsky, University of Wisconsin-Waukesha
"Emma's Travels: Habitus, Field, and the Retelling of Stories"

Laura Mooneyham White, University of Nebraska Lincoln
"Melodramatic Transformation: George Eliot and the Refashioning of Mansfield Park"

Moderator: Laura Mooneyham White, University of Nebraska Lincoln

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