University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
April 3-6, 1997
Cool eclipse

Thanks to all who made this year's conference a great success!

The conference is an interdisciplinary forum addressing all aspects of narrative theory. We welcome papers on narrative in any genre, period, nationality, discipline, or medium, as well as work that challenges traditional disciplinary or theoretical paradigms.

Read the conference program online!

Plenary Speakers:

Nancy Armstrong
Rey Chow
Lee Edelman

Unfortunately, our special session: 'Bakhtin's Legacy,' with Sergey Georgyevich Bocharov, Georgy Dmitryevich Gachev, and Vadim Valeryanovich Kozhinov, was cancelled. Fortunately, we've lined up a great replacement: "Narrative, Scholarship, and Contemporary Culture," moderated by Alan Nadel, with Michael Bérubé, Robert Caserio, Susan Stanford Friedman, and Donald Pease.

Conference Information:

For more information, please contact:

or write:

Elizabeth Langland
Department of English
University of Florida
Gainesville, Fl 32611

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