University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
April 3-6, 1997

SESSION VII Sat., April 5 8:30-10:00 a.m.

7.A Bakhtin in Politics: Dialogical Narratives of the Public Sphere and the Marketplace
President's Ballroom

Andreas Kriefall, Union College
"Resistance and Apocalypse in Moby-Dick:: Dialogue between a White Mate and a Black Cook"

Donald E. Pease, Dartmouth College
"Frederick Douglass's Scene of Speaking"

Patrick O'Connor
"Bakhtin's Zombies: Dead Genres, Kiss of the Spider Woman, and the Fetishes of Alternative Culture"

Moderator: Andreas Kriefall, Union College

7.B Narratives of Theory

Jeffrey Williams, East Carolina University
"The Myth of Conversation and the Space of Theory"

Jim Paxson, University of Florida
"The Institutional Trajectory of Modern Science and the Trajectory of Contemporary Critical Theory"

Angela H. Bacsik, University of Florida
"Capitalizing the Body: Language at Play in Mapping the Human Genome"

Moderator: Jim Paxson, University of Florida

7.C (Post)colonial Bodies: Racial Identities, Critical Tropes
Conference Room 4

Lisa Ruddick, University of Chicago
"The Corporeal Politics of Irish Hunger"

Mark Wollaeger, Vanderbilt University
"Colonial Postcards, Imperial Exhibitions, and the Native Other in The Voyage Out"

Ian Baucom, Yale University
"In the Wake of Empire: Liquifactions of English Identity in Sutapa Biswas and Keith Piper"

Moderator: Mark Wollaeger, Vanderbilt University

7.D Narrative Theory Reading George Eliot
Conference Room 3

Sandy Morey Norton, Eastern Michigan University
"'Epic' and Novel' in George Eliot's 'Home Epic'"

Barry Weller, University of Utah
"Cultural Indirect Discourse"

Thomas E. Recchio, University of Connecticut
"The Dialogics of Sympathy in The Mill on the Floss"

Moderator: Alistair Duckworth, University of Florida

7.E Rhetorical Disruptions and Narrative Form
Conference Room 2

Hanneke Grootenboer, University of Rochester
"Boring Still Life: on the Narrative of Description"

Philippe Carrard, University of Vermont
"Our Titles, Ourselves: Titling in Critical Discourse"

John P. Leavey, Jr., University of Florida
"Detours of Narration: Apostrophe, Translation, and Narrative Voice"

Moderator: John P. Leavey, Jr., University of Florida

7.F Plotting the Self: Modal Theory, Psychoanalysis, and Ethics
Conference Room 1

Allen Tilley, University of North Florida
"Modal Theory and the Dodo Hypothesis"

Peter L. Rudnytsky, University of Florida
"'Does the Professor Talk to God?': Countertransference and Jewish Identity in the Case of Little Hans"

Philip Lewin, Eugene, Oregon
"The Ethical Self in the Play of Affect and Voice"

Moderator: Peter L. Rudnytsky, University of Florida

7.G Form and Myth in National Narratives
University A

Jacqui Sadashige, University of Pennsylvania
"Towards a Prehistory of Nationalism and Romance: The Case of Greco-Roman New Comedy"

Barry Mauer, University of Florida
"Monumentality in the Narratives of Persons and Nations"

Moderator: Jacqui Sadashige, University of Pennsylvania

7.H Ordering America in the Nineteenth Century University B

Kevin Rozario, Wellesley College
"(Dis)Orderly Reconstructions: Narrative Order/Narrative Chaos in American Disaster Writings"

Frank Hering, University of Florida
"AIDS for Reading Franklin Evans: Disease, Intemperance, and HIV/AIDS"

William W. Stowe, Wesleyan University
"Making History on Vacation; Excursions, Sojourns, Narratives; Thoreau and Jewett"

Moderator: William W. Stowe, Wesleyan University

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