University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
April 3-6, 1997

SESSION VI: Friday, April 4, 2:45-4:15 p.m.

6.A The Main Attraction: Nation, Culture, and Film Narration

Marilyn Reizbaum, Bowdoin College
"Narrating the National: Recent Scottish and Irish Film"

Dianne Sadoff, University of Southern Maine
"Oliver Twist, Melodrama, and the 'Delicate Boy'"

Irena Makarushka, Bowdoin College
"Twice-Told Tales: Transgressing Signifiers in Household Saints"

Moderator: Dianne F. Sadoff, University of Southern Maine

6.B Essay Films
Conference Room 4

Camilla Benolirao Griggers, Carlow College
Film Screening: "Alienations of the Mother Tongue"
Written and directed by Camilla Griggers

Amitava Kumar, University of Florida
Film Screening: "Children of Ram"
Written by Amitava Kumar;
Directed by Sanjeeva Chatterjee, University of Miami

Robert Ray, University of Florida
Amelia Simpson, University of Florida

Moderator: Amitava Kumar, University of Florida

6.C Narrative Theory and/or Theory of the Novel?
President's Ballroom

Jim Phelan, Ohio State University
Nancy Armstrong, Brown University
John Brenkman, CUNY-Graduate Center

Moderator: Rick Livingston, Ohio State University

6.D Form and Chaos in Romantic Literature
Conference Room 1

Donald Ault, University of Florida
"Narrative Transformation through Holographemic Reading: Blake, Comics, and Mathematical Notation"

Irena Nikolova, University of Western Ontario
"Forms of Representation and Interpretation in Romantic Narratives"

David M. Baluch, University of Washington
"Many Worlds and Quantum Narratology in Borges' 'The Garden of Forking Paths' and Blake's The Four Zoas"

Moderator: Donald Ault, University of Florida

6.E Politics, Performance, and Genre in Nineteenth Century African-American Narratives University B

Steven Weisenburger, University of Kentucky
"Our Nig and the Politics of Genre"

Suzanne Lane, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
"'He was a Notorious Liar': Reconsidering Authentication in Slave Narratives"

Ellen J. Goldner, College of Staten Island, CUNY
"Allegories of Violation in Frederick Douglass' Heroic Slave"

Moderator: Steven Weisenburger, University of Kentucky

6.F Modernism, Markets, Gender, and the Other
University A

Carol Loeb Shloss, West Chester University
"Nightwood and The Sexual Life of Savages: Modernism's Critique of Anthropology"

Kevin Floyd, University of Iowa
"Interchangeable (Sex) Parts: Rationalization, Desire, and Disembodiment in Manhattan Transfer"

Elsie B. Michie, Louisiana State University
"Gender, Property, and Narrative: The Woman of Wealth as Economic Symbol"

Moderator: Louise Newman, University of Florida

6.G Remapping the Social Space of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Conference Room 3

Esther Wohlgemut, University of Ottawa
"Re-Articulating the Local and the Universal: Maria Edgeworth's Early Irish Tales"

Whitney A. Womack, Purdue University
"Reconsidering Nineteenth-Century Social Protest Literature: Gaskell, Davis, and a Theory of a Transatlantic Tradition"

Carolyn Lesjak, Swarthmore College
"The Wildean Tour: Narrating a New Social Topography"

Moderator: Christine Roth, University of Florida

6.H Politics and Form in Comic Narratives
Conference Room 2

Kay Young, University of California, Santa Barbara
"Team Comedy Take Two: Lucy and Ricky/Nichols and May"

Gloria-Jean Masciarotte, University of Notre Dame
"Dead Baby Jokes: Narrative, Abortion, and TV's Comediannes"

Moderator: Mary Margaret Wiles, University of Florida

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