University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
April 3-6, 1997

SESSION V: Friday, April 4, 1:00-2:30 p.m.

5.A Gender, Sexuality, and the Narratives of Modernity

Jeff Nunokawa, Princeton University
"Hunger, Labor, and Desire"

Janet Lyon, University of Illinois
"Katherine Mansfield's Modernity"

Amanda Anderson, University of Illinois
"Femininity and the Critique of Modernity"

Moderator: Amanda Anderson, University of Illinois

5.B The Reproduction of Citizens: Sex, Death, and Marriage in American Culture
University A

Russ Castronovo, University of Miami
"Disembodying the Body Politic: Narratives of Citizenship in the Nineteenth-Century United States"

Dale M. Bauer, University of Wisconsin-Madison
"Sex Expression and American Exceptionalism"

Carla Kaplan, Yale University
"'Fire Gilt Steel': Marriage and Modern Citizenship'"

Respondent: Priscilla Wald, University of Washington

Moderator: Russ Castronovo, University of Miami

5.C Why Do Victorian Narrative?
President's Ballroom

Alison Booth, University of Virginia
Jay Clayton, Vanderbilt University
John Kucich, University of Michigan
Elizabeth Langland, University of Florida
John McGowan, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Moderator: Laurie Langbauer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

5.D Holocaust Narrative: From Trauma to Text
Conference Room 3

Kristina Busse, Tulane University
"Holocaust as Postmodern Trauma: Representing the Real in D. M. Thomas's The White Hotel

Michael Rothberg, University of Miami
"Unbearable Witness: After 'The Concentrationary Universe'"

Moderator: Claire Kahane, SUNY, Buffalo

5.E Reimagining the Forms of Eighteenth Century Narrative
Conference Room 4

Betty Joseph, Rice University
"Contrapuntal Analysis and Intertwined Histories: Toward a Women's Narrative of Colonialism"

Patricia Craddock, University of Florida
"The Hypertextual 'Decline and Fall'"

David Richter, Queens College
"Jonathan Wild and True Crime Fiction"

Moderator: Patricia Craddock, University of Florida

5.F Ghost Stories: History and the Voices of the Dead
Conference Room 1

Amy Gottfried, Boston University
"'Creatures Like You Aint's So Easy to Come By': Narrative and the Art of Raising the Dead in 'The Annals of the Kabakoffs'"

Katherine Weese, Hampden-Sydney College
"Narration from Beyond the Grave: The Invisible Women of Housekeeping and The Stone Diaries"

Michal Peled Ginsburg, Northwestern University
"Recognizing Ghosts: Narrative, Identity, and History in Dickens and Balzac"

Moderator: Michal Peled Ginsburg, Northwestern University

5.G Cultural Politics and Class in Twentieth Century American Literature
Conference Room 2

Sheila Teahan, Michigan State University
"Henry James and the Ruin of Language"

Robert Seguin, Duke University
"Recoding Resentiment: From Cather to Fitzgerald"

Jane Kuenz, Georgia State University
"The Cowboy Businessman and 'The Course of Empire': Bourgeois Narratives in Owen Wister's The Virginian"

Moderator: David Leverenz, University of Florida

5.H Cultural Traditions and Narrative Performances in the African Novel University B

Maryann Weber, Missouri Southern State College
"Narrative as Ritual: 'Kaidara' and the Postcolonial Initiation Novel'

Eleni Coundouriotis, University of Connecticut
"The Traditional Cultures of René Maran and Chinua Achebe"

F. Odoun Balogun, Delaware State University
"Performance Narrative and the African Novel: Tutuola, Achebe, Ngugi"

Moderator: R. Odoun Balogun, Delaware State University

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