University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
April 3-6, 1997

SESSION IV: Friday, April 4, 10:15-11:45 a.m.

4.A Ambivalent Appropriations: Postwar Narratives of Interracial Exchange
President's Ballroom

Sean McCann, Wesleyan University
"Noir Ekphrasis: Black Music and White Crime"

Lauren Onkey, Ball State University
"'Living in America': Black 47's Emigrant Narratives"

Michael Bérubé, University of Illinois
"Melvin Tolson Reads 'Ode to the Confederate Dead'"

Moderator: Michael Bérubé, University of Illinois

4.B Official Stories: Narrative Under Institutional Constraints
Conference Room 2

Naomi Cahn, George Washington Law School Helena Michie, Rice University
"Moving the Line: Popular Narratives about Infertility in Contemporary Discourse"

Maaja Stewart, Tulane University
"The Discourse of Addiction in Western Conquest: The Reservation Drunk"

Elizabeth E. Reed, Ithaca, NY
"Scheherazade: Confession or Collusion in Psychotherapy under Managed Care"

Moderator, Janice Carlisle, Tulane University

4.C Visual Translations and Adaptations

Peter Rabinowitz, Hamilton College
"'The Trumpets Three-Wised Silverflamed': Admiration and Distance in A Clockwork Orange"

Jamie Barlowe, University of Toledo
"The Construction of the Female Spectator in Film Translations"

Priscilla Walton, Carleton University
"'Sister, Sister!': The Female Detective and the Media'"

Moderator: Priscilla Walton, Carleton University

4.D Embodiment, Identity, and Sexuality University B

Kathryn Bond Stockton, University of Utah
"The Queer Child and the Interval of Animal: Metaphor and Time in Djuna Barnes' Nightwood"

Patricia McFarlin, University of Houston
"Liberatory Strategies in Queer Narratives"

4.E Fin-de-Millennium Politics in Contemporary Film
Conference Room 4

Douglas Mao, Princeton University
"Pulp Fiction: The Anxiety of Evacuation"

Christopher Pavsek, Swarthmore College
"'The State Always Wishes to be One. The Individual Always Wishes to be Two': Godard's Allemagne neuf zero."

Phillip E. Wegner, University of Florida
"'A Nightmare on the Brain of the Living': History in Independence Day"

Moderator: Phillip E. Wegner, University of Florida

4.F Narrative Strategies in Victorian Fiction
Conference Room 3

Marlene Tromp, University of Wyoming
"Sensational Violations: The Production of Unreasonable Narratives in Margaret Oliphant's Salem Chapel"

Eleanor Salotto, University of Pennsylvania
"Detecting Esther Summerson's Secrets: Dickens's Bleak House of Representation"

Ellen Peel, San Francisco State University
"Belief-Bridging: A Technique of Narrative Persuasion"

Moderator: Marlene Tromp, University of Wyoming

4.G Strategies of Introspection and Narrative Control
University A

David Pickus, James Madison University
"Very Selfless is Very Selfish: Madame Guyon and the Emergence of Introspection in Enlightenment Germany"

Deborah A. Martinsen, Princeton University
"Narratives of Self-Enclosure: Fictional Suicides in Dostoevsky's Work"

Elizabeth Preston, Ohio State University
"'If I'd a knowed what a trouble it was': Authorial Disposition, Narratorial Introspection, and Aesthetic Control in Huck Finn"

Moderator: David Pickus, James Madison University

4.H Historicism and Literature: Problems and Reconsiderations
Conference Room 1

Steven M. Jensen, Palm Beach Atlantic College
"Context and Meaning: Interpreting 'Bartleby' in History"

Anne Zahlan, Eastern Illinois University
"'Crossing the Border': Lawrence Durrell's Alexandrian Farewell to Modernism"

Brian Richardson, University of Maryland
"Re-Mapping the Present: The Master Narrative of Modern Literary History and the Lost Forms of Twentieth Century Fiction"

Moderator: Anne Zahlan, Eastern Illinois University

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