University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
April 3-6, 1997

SESSION III: Friday, April 4, 8:30-10:00 a.m.

3.A Narrative Cures: Theorizing Contemporary Narratives of Teaching
Conference Room 2

Diane Price Herndl, New Mexico State University
"Johnny Mnemonic Meets the Bimbo: Narrating the Practices of Everyday Professing"

Suzan Harrison, Eckerd College
"Scenes from a Feminist Pedagogy"

Catherine M. Griggs, Eckerd College
"Being an American in the Classroom: Narrating American Culture for International Students"

Joan Combs, Eckerd College
"Faculty Narratives and Institutional Goals"

Moderator: Suzan Harrison, Eckerd College

3.B The Three R's: Reading and "Riting Race"
President's Ballroom

Teresa Goddu, Vanderbilt University
"Reading 'Race' in Hawthorne's 'Romance': Authorship and Slavery in The Scarlet Letter"

Ben Slote, Allegheny College
"Race as Hypochondria: Howells's An Imperative Duty and the Cure of Realism"

Herman Beavers, University of Pennsylvania
"Postmodern Heroics: Misreading and Irony in the Fictions of James Alan McPherson and Toni Morrison"

Theodore O. Mason, Jr., Kenyon College
"Are We Having Fun Yet?: Race, Ethnicity, Postmodernism, and Minstrelsy"

Moderator: Theodore O. Mason, Jr., Kenyon College

3.C Historical Narrative and Cinematic Representation
Conference Room 4

Sylvie Blum, University of Florida
"Traces of History in Regis Wargnier's Indochine and Tran Anh Hung's Scent of Green Papaya"

Louise Barnett, Rutgers University
"Hollywood's Last Stand: Custer Movies and Historical Moments"

Alan Nadel, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
"Kennedy Redux: JFK, Clint Eastwood and the Closing of the New Frontier"

Moderator: Alan Nadel, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

3.D Women in Revolt

Laura Winkiel, University of Notre Dame
"Nationalism and Sexuality: Producing Cross-Class Alliances in Elizabeth Robins' The Convert"

Susanna M. Cowan, University of Utah
"Witnessing the Revolution: Women Writers and the Record of Political Upheaval"

Barbara Green, University of Notre Dame Sentimental Suffrage: Emily Wilding Davison, Suffragette Sally, and the Ill Body as Civic Body"

Moderator: Maureen Turim, University of Florida

3.E The Politics and Poetics of Structure in Modernist Literature
Conference Room 3

Kim Magowan, University of California, Berkeley
"Standing in the Door: Transgression and Transmission in Absalom, Absalom"

Jennifer Ashton, Johns Hopkins University
"Syntax and Sequence: The Politics of Poetic Expansion in Wallace Stevens' Canonica"

Susan Brown, Manatee Community College
"Narrative by Number: The Hidden Geometric Structure of James Joyce's Ulysses"

Moderator: Audrey Holt, University of Florida

3.F Narrating Postmodern Spaces
Conference Room 1

Mark Osteen, Loyola College
"'A World Inside the World': The Theology of Secrets in Don DeLillo's Libra"

Shelton Waldrep, Georgia State University
"'American Environments': White Noise and the Thematics of Space"

Moderator: Mark Osteen, Loyola College

3.G Philosophy as Narrative, Narrative as Philosophy
University A

Fred M. Frohock, Syracuse University
"Public Narratives"

Daniel Green, Pittsburgh State University
"The Novelist as 'Pragmatic Philosopher': Stanley Elkin and Richard Rorty"

A. Samuel Kimball, University of North Florida
"Life Is/Not the End of Evolution: Transmission, Transmissibility, and the Selfish Gene"

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