University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
April 3-6, 1997

SESSION IX, Sat., April 5, 1:00-2:30 p.m.

9.A Narratives of Modernist Ethnography
President's Ballroom

Marc Manganaro, Rutgers University
"Telling It Straight: The Play of 'Story' in Modern Ethnographic Accounts"

James Buzard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Self-Interrupting Artifacts"

Michele Richman, University of Pennsylvania
"The Politics of Narrative in French Ethnographic Literature: The Case of Victor Segalen"

Moderator: Marc Manganaro, Rutgers University

9.B American Myths -- Narratives of Race
Conference Room 4

Catherine Gunther Kodat, Hamilton College
"'Just tell me if any of them are right': Time, Narrative, Faulkner, Tarantino"

Jacqueline Berben-Masi, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis
""Sis' Goose and Bro' Loon: When Mother Goose and Uncle Remus Engage in Bakhtinian Dialogics "

Carol Colatrella, Georgia Institute of Technology
"John Sayles' Lone Star: American Myths, Cinematic Allusions, and the Future History of Diversity"

Moderator: Mark Reid, University of Florida

9.C Reimagining Bakhtin's Canon, Bakhtin Reimagining the Canon
Conference Room 3

Stacy Burton, University of Nevada
"Paradoxical Relations: Bakhtin, Modernism, Narrativity"

Ann Meigs Dickerson, University of Minnesota
"A Discussion of the Aesthetics of the 'I' and the 'Non-I' in (Early) Bakhtin and German Early Romanticism""

Dorothy J. Hale, University of California, Berkeley
"The Modern Poetic Novel, After Bakhtin"

Dmitri Nikulin, New School for Social Research
"The Structure of Dialogicality and the Notion of Event in Bakhtin"

Moderator: Dorothy J. Hale, University of California, Berkeley

9.D Crossing Borders: Women in Flight
University A

Elisabeth Mermann-Jozwiak, Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi
"Postmodern Border Crossings in Norma Elia Cantu's Canicula"

Leslie Bow, University of Miami
"The Gendered Subject of Human Rights in Asian American Literature"

Sidonie Smith, University of Michigan
"Aerial Transgressions: Women, Flight, Narrative"

Moderator: Shifra Armon, University of Florida

9.E Dialogics of Form in American Women's Fictions

Veronica Stewart, University of Montana
"Women Outlaws and Dialogism in E.D.E.N. Southworth's The Hidden Hand, or Capitola the Madcap"

Andrea Dimino, New College of the University of South Florida
"Narrative Structures as Cultural History: Reading Wharton's The House of Mirth"

Michelle A. Massé, Louisiana State University
"The Dialogue of Genres: Pseudonymous and Acknowledged Narratives by Louisa May Alcott"

Moderator: Michelle Massé, Louisiana State University

9.F BAKHTINIAN Reconsiderations of Nineteenth Century Narratives
Conference Room 2

Shea Joy, University of Florida
"Going to the Chapel: The Domestication of Culture in Margaret Oliphant's Salem Chapel"

Oliver S. Buckton, Florida Atlantic University
"'The Naked Corpse of the Word': Stevenson's Bodies and the Death of Dialogism"

Jerome Beaty, Emory University
"Dialogic Deronda"

Moderator: Waits Raulerson, University of Florida

9.G History and Performing Bodies in Contemporary Fiction University B

Livia Monnet, University of Montreal
"Masochism's Loss of Self, Everybody's Autobiography of/as the Brave New (Mad)Woman, the Theater of the Shamanic Female Body and the Virtual Reality of Insomnia: The Performance of the Body and the Body of Performance in Contemporary Japanese Fiction"

Gabriele Helms, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
"Is Difficulty Impolite?: The Performative in Margaret Sweatman's Fox"

Sharon Meagher, University of Scranton
"The Two Bodies of Robinson Crusoe"

Moderator: Sharon Meagher, University of Scranton

9.H Narratives of the Academy
Conference Room 1

Hema Chari, California State University, Los Angeles Gurleen Grewal, University of South Florida
"Postcolonial Performance: Narrative Confessions and South Asian Women in the Academy"

Susan Fraiman, University of Virginia
"Andrew Ross, Cultural Studies, and Feminism: A Family Romance"

Eva Corredor, United States Naval Academy
"Derrida, Lukács and Beyond: (Auto)Visions"

Moderator: Susan Fraiman, University of Virginia

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