I. Meetings. The Society shall meet at times and in places determined by the Executive Committee.
II. Standing Committees. The work of the Executive Committee shall be supplemented by the work of the following Standing Committees: a Membership Committee, a Nominating Committee, and a Program Committee. The Membership Committee shall be responsible for advising the Executive Committee and Executive Council on ways to increase the Society's membership or expand its activities to better serve its present and future members. The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for presenting to the Executive Committee a slate of candidates for the annual election of officers and other Council Members. The Program Committee shall be responsible for supervising programs and making arrangements for such meetings as the Society shall convene. The Chairs of the Membership Committee and Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President. Each committee shall consist of three to five members nominated by the appropriate Chair and approved by the Executive Committee.
III. Publications. The Society shall support such publications as shall be approved by the Executive Committee.
IV. Elections. Elections of officers and other members of the Executive Council shall be annual and shall be conducted either at a regular meeting of the society or by mail, as the Executive Committee shall determine. The Secretary-Treasurer or a member of the Society designated by the Executive Committee shall assume the responsibility of distributing and counting ballots. A majority of votes cast shall be necessary to win. Ties shall be decided by run-off elections. If a member of the Executive Council is elected Vice President before his or her term is complete, the runner up in the election for Vice President shallserve out the incomplete term on the Executive Council. This will be a condition of running for Vice President.
V. Qualifications for Office. Officers must be members of the Society. Ordinarily there will be a line of succession from Second Vice-President to First Vice-President to President. Qualifications for nomination as Second Vice-President include at least three years of Society membership and attendance at a minimum of two SSNL Conferences in the prior five years.
VI. Conduct of Meetings. Except as otherwise provided in the Constitution or By-Laws, meetings shall be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order.
VII. Dues. Dues shall be as decided by the Executive Council.
VIII. Amendments. The By-Laws of the Society may be amended by a majority of those present and voting at a regular meeting, or by a majority of those returning ballots in a mail vote authorized by the Executive Committee.