Call for Papers

Sponsored by the Society for the Study of Narrative Literature and hosted by The University of Texas at Austin, the International Conference on Narrative is an interdisciplinary forum addressing all dimensions of narrative theory and practice.

This year’s plenary speakers include Frederick Aldama (Ohio State University), author of Postethnic Narrative Criticism; Marianne Hirsch (Columbia University), author of Family Frames: Photography, Narrative, Postmemory; Scott McCloud, author of Understanding Comics, Reinventing Comics, and Making Comics.

We welcome proposals for papers and panels on all aspects of narrative in any genre, period, nationality, discipline, and medium.


The deadline for proposals was 15 October 2007; we are no longer accepting proposals for the 2008 Conference.

Please address all questions to Professor Coleman Hutchison (

All participants must join the Society for the Study of Narrative
Literature. For more information on SSNL, visit: