Call for Papers
Sponsored by the Society for the Study of Narrative Literature and hosted by Georgetown University, the International Conference on Narrative is an interdisciplinary forum addressing all dimensions of narrative theory and practice.
We welcome proposals for papers and panels on all aspects of narrative in any genre, period, nationality, discipline, and medium.
For individual paper proposals, please include an abstract (500 words max.) and a brief vita (no more than 2-3 pages). All paper proposals must include the title of the paper; presenter's name and institutional affiliation; mailing address, phone and fax number, and email address.
For panel proposals, please include an abstract (700 words max.) summarizing the panel's rationale and describing each paper. All panel proposals must include a title for the panel and a title for each paper. In addition, please include each panel member's institutional affiliation; mailing address, phone and fax number, and email address, as well as a brief vita (no more than 2-3 pages) for each of the panel members.
This year, the Society will hold a poster session on the teaching of narrative. This session will enable poster presenters to share their approaches to teaching narrative. Posters may have multiple authors. To submit a proposal for a poster, please include an abstract (500 words max.) and brief vitas on all presenters.
Deadline for receipt of proposals: October 30th, 2006.
Please send all proposals by email in Word, WordPerfect, or PDF format to:
If you are unable to send your proposal by email, send two copies of all materials to:
Edward Maloney
Narrative Conference Coordinator
3520 Prospect Street, NW, Suite 314
Washington, DC 20057
Please address all questions to Eddie Maloney (
All participants must join the Society for the Study of Narrative
Literature. For more information on SSNL, visit: