The Narrative Society maintains an active email list through Google Groups. Members who wish to subscribe with an email account managed through Google are encouraged to use Google's web view to interact with the list. Members who wish to subscribe with a non-Google account will interact with the list via email.
The International Society for the Study of Narrative (ISSN) mailing list was created to foster scholarly discussion and debate about the field of narrative studies and to connect members of the ISSN with one another. When using the ISSN mailing list, please follow these guidelines:
In addition, please consider the following best practices when posting to the list:
Anyone interested in the study of narrative may subscribe to the list by emailing the below address:
To: narrative-L+subscribe@georgetown.edu
Members may unsubscribe from the list by sending the following email message:
To: narrative-L+unsubscribe@georgetown.edu
Those who have subscribed to the list* may send messages to the entire list as follows:
To: narrative-L@georgetown.edu
Subject: My first post
[message text]
To reply to the entire list on a topic, hit "reply all" from the email.
To reply to only the author of one post on a topic, hit "reply" from the email sent by that member.
Members may also set their email preferences. To do so with a Google email account, see the instructions below. To do so with a non-Google account, send an email to the list admin with the type of subscription listed in the subject line (all, digest, or abridged). Please note that it may take a few days for your subscription option to be updated. Example:
To: narrative@georgetown.edu
Subject: Digest
If your account is managed through Google, you can access the web view by visiting http://groups.google.com or by clicking on “Groups” in your list of Google Apps. Within the web view, email threads will be displayed as topics. Click on a topic to open it. Posts can be replied to directly with the “Post Reply” option. If you wish to reply to the original author only, click on the dropdown arrow next to “Post reply” and select “Reply privately to author.” You can begin your own topic by selecting “New Topic” in the upper-left corner of the window. In addition, you can update your email subscription preferences by clicking on the “My Settings” button in the upper right-hand corner and from there clicking “Membership and email settings.”
Visit Google's help page on Google Groups here: https://support.google.com/groups#topic=2458613
Home page showing list of topics (middle), new topic creation (upper-left), and settings (upper-right). Click to view.
Topic view showing individual posts and reply options (upper-right). Click to view.
* In order to keep spam to a minimum, only subscribed members may post messages to the list.