University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
April 3-6, 1997

SESSION XI: Sunday, April 6, 8:30-10:00 a.m.

11.A Victorians at the Movies: Technologies of Sex and Race in Novelistic and Cinematic Narratives
President's Ballroom

Mary Ann O'Farrell, Texas A & M University
"The Sexuality of Blindness: Poor Miss Finch at the Movies"

Paul Morrison, Brandeis University
"'Withered, Wrinkled, and Loathsome of Visage'"

Joseph Litvak, Bowdoin College
"Svengali in Hollywood"

Moderator: Joseph Litvak, Bowdoin College

11.B What Do Narratives Want?

Florence M. Martin, Goucher College
"Echo Wants To Be Heard: Voice and Narrative in the Myth of Narcissus"

Robin Sheets, University of Cincinnati
"Problematics of Male Desire"

Penelope Cordish, Goucher College
"'To Want and Not to Have': Wanting in Modernist Narrative"

Moderator: Robin Sheets, University of Cincinnati

11.C Narratives of Masculinity in American Literature
Conference Room 4

Craig V. Smith, Bard College
"Authenticity, Desire and Male Regard: Two Narratives of American Masculinity"

Star S. Olderman, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
"Gender and Power in the Wild: The Short Stories of Pam Houston and Ernest Hemingway"

Adam Parkes, University of Georgia
"History and the Spectacle of Masculinity in Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian"

Moderator: Tamara Olaivar, University of Florida

11.D Performing Gender and Racial Identities
Conference Room 3

Kathleen Flanagan, Longwood College
"The Autobiographical Quests of Isak Dinesen and Maya Angelou: What is Africa to Me?"

Heather Levien, University of California, Berkeley
"Re-marking Realism: Asian Identities in English Voices"

Mary Jane Cherry, University of Louisville
"A Feminist Rereading Morrison's 'Recitatif' as Literary Pluralist"

11.E Rethinking Metaphor
University A

Miriam Marty Clark, Auburn University
"'Now I Lay Me': Narrative Evasion and Lyric Ambush in Hemingway's Story"

Hugh C. White, Rutgers University
"Metaphor in the Semiotics of Walker Percy"

Michael Hanne, University of Auckland
"From Knot to Plot: The Metaphor/Narrative Connection"

Moderator: Miriam Marty Clark, Auburn University

11.F Magical Realism and Metafictional Strategies in the Literature of the Americas
Conference Room 2

Jeff Karem, Yale University
"Writing as Fighting: Metafiction and Agonistics in the Narrative Fiction of the Americas"

Edward Maloney, Ohio State University
"Postcolonial Metafiction: The Meeting of Poetics and Politics in Magic Realism"

David Mickelsen, University of Utah
"'Magic,' Realism, and Ethnographic Detail"

Moderator: Diane Marting, University of Florida

11.G Liberal Objects: Markets and the Matter of Subjectivity
Conference Room 1

Jennifer Thorn, Duke University
"In the Power of the Darling Object to Bestow": Colonial Bengal, Accidental Femiotopia"

Irene Tucker, Cornell University
"Knowing Rebecca: Scott's Usurious Fiction"

Laura Berry, University of Arizona
"A Meaty Object: Oliver Twist and the Bones of Commerce"

Kate Brown, University of South Carolina
"Sovereign Objects: Loss and Recompense in Silas Marner"

Moderator: Laura Berry, University of Arizona

11.H A Cacophony of Voices: Reading and Writing About Contemporary Fiction University B

Richard Howard, University of Florida

Linda Payne, University of South Alabama
"Babble or Orchestrated Cacophony: Narrative Perspectives in Sometimes a Great Notion"

Geoffrey Green, San Francisco State University
"An Inventory of Objects, A Series of Styles: Italo Calvino's Narrative Presence"

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