University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
April 3-6, 1997

SESSION I: Thursday, April 3, 1:45-3:15 p.m.

1.A Narrative Magic in the Novels of Louise Erdrich, Isabel Allende, and Alice Hoffman
Conference Room 2

Nancy Peterson, Purdue University
"Louise Erdrich and the Magic of Realism"

Creed Greer, University of Florida
"The Transformative Power of Narrative in Isabel Allende's Eva Luna and Paula"

Fiona R. Barnes, University of Florida
"'Magical Feminism'?: Women and Power in Alice Hoffman's Seventh Heaven and Practical Magic"

Moderator: Creed Greer, University of Florida

1.B Sleeping with the Enemy: Cultural and Narrative Tactics in Women's, Minority, and Postcolonial Literature, Part II

Richard Pearce, Wheaton College
"Sleeping With the Enemy: Michel de Certeau, The Practice of Everyday Life, and Narrative Tactics"

Tamara Harvey, University of California, Irvine
"'Emphaticalness of Pronunciation': Abundance and Excess in the Criminal Conversion Narrative of Patience Boston"

Meg Albrinck, University of Wisconsin-Madison
"Haircuts and Goatees: Gender Transformation in British Women's World War I Narratives"

Moderator: Richard Pearce, Wheaton College

1.C Culture as Body: Disease, Language and the Excess of Affect
University A

Diane Richard-Allerdyce, Lynn University
"The Body as Form: Anxiety and Social Protest in Katherine Anne Porter's 'Flowering Judas'"

Judith Mesa-Pelly, University of Miami
"The Power of Horror: Body as Spectacle in Clarissa"

Kathryn Kruger, Lynn University
"Pro/curing Desire in Christina Rossetti's 'The Goblin Market'"

Moderator: Diane Richard-Allerdyce, Lynn University

1.D Re-Mapping or Re-Territorializing? Emergent Designs in Revisionist Narratives
President's Ballroom

Marilyn Mobley, George Mason University
"Verbal Double Dutch: The Politics of Narrating the History of Cultural Studies in America"

Michael Rothberg, University of Miami
"Holocaust Revisionism?: Cultural Studies, Interdisciplinarity, and the Nazi Genocide"

Sivagami Subbaraman, University of Maryland
"Optic Diversity: Reading the Disjunctions in Multicultural Revisionisms"

Moderator: Sivagami Subbaraman, University of Maryland

1.E Narrative Forms of Contemporary Popular Culture
Conference Room 3

Craig T. Rinne, University of Florida
"Spectacle Over Structure: The Narrative of Sports"

Erich Nunn, University of Florida
"Beyond Gangsta Rap: Narrative Power and the Post-Gangsta Aesthetic"

Laura L. Sullivan, University of Florida
"Buying Beauty: The Construction of the Contemporary Cosmetics Consumer"

Moderator: Laura L. Sullivan, University of Florida

1.F Secrets, Promises, and Confessions: Verbal Performance in Victorian Literature
Conference Room 1

Daniel Butcher, Southeastern Louisiana University
"'I think that my narrative may do good': Collins, Basil, and the Uses of Confession"

Randall Craig, SUNY, Albany
"The Victorian Ethos of Promising and The Mill on the Floss"

Cornelia E. Brown, Hamilton College
"Elinor's Public Secret: Austen's Ethical Criticism"

Moderator: Randall Craig, SUNY, Albany

1.G Class/Gender Intersections and the Politics of Narrative Form University B

Martine Gantrel, Smith College
"A License to Tell: Servants in French Fiction"

Lori Amy, University of Florida
"'True-Love' in Elizabeth Gaskell's Mary Barton and Ruth: Policing Class Boundaries and Punishing Transgressive Desire"

Jane Greer, University of Missouri--Kansas City
"'A Rich and Powerful Chaos': Narrative Theory and the Reading Lives of Working-Class Women in the 1930s"

Moderator: Lori Amy, University of Florida

1.H Intertextuality and Adaptation in Contemporary Fiction and Film
Conference Room 4

Cannon Schmitt, Grinnell College
"Victoria Redux: Angels, Insects, and a Narrative of Return"

Michael W. Raymond, Stetson University R. Eric Raymond, Stetson University
"From 'Zero-Degree' to Theodic Narratee: Figgis' Transformation of O'Brien's Leaving Las Vegas"

David Lashmet, University of Florida
"A Fragile Darkened Cord: Commiseration about Lost Daughters within Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

Moderator: Cannon Schmitt, Grinnell College

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