ISSN Panels for MLA Chicago, January 2014


Thursday, 9 January

Session 103. Narrative Empathy for the Other

3:30–4:45 p.m.

Program arranged by the International Society for the Study of Narrative

Presiding: Patrick Horn, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill


1. “Narrative Empathy as Acknowledgment,” Ann Jurecic, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick

2. “Narrative Strategies for Developing Cross-Racial and Cross-Cultural Empathy in the Short Fiction of Sandra Cisneros and Jhumpa Lahiri,” Marilyn Edelstein, Santa Clara Univ.

3. “Real ‘Others’: Pathways for Empathy in Autobiographical Narrative,” Leah M. Anderst, Queensborough Community Coll., City Univ. of New York


Saturday, 11 January

Session 594. What Makes a Modernist Plot? Modernism and Narrative Innovation

3:30–4:45 p.m.

Program arranged by the International Society for the Study of Narrative and the Modernist Studies Association

Presiding: Richard Walsh, Univ. of York

1. “Endless Plot: Modernism’s Sequel Problem,” Matthew Levay, Harvard Univ.

2. “The Art of Biography and the Form of Modernist Fiction,” Nathaniel Cadle, Florida International Univ.

3. “Virginia Woolf and Plots Driven by Feelings,” Marta Figlerowicz, Univ. of California, Berkeley