Invitation to Contribute: Instrumental Narratives guest blog

Dear narrative colleagues,

Would you like to take part in a joint, international effort at popularising narrative studies & discussing and debating contemporary storytelling practices online? We have a platform for that all set up now!

We have just launched a visitor blog for our consortium project Instrumental Narratives. The first entry is by Marie-Laure Ryan and it deals with Trump and the case of escalated online storytelling known as the “Sharpiegate”.…/marie-laure…/

The next contribution will be by Peter Lamarque; we aim to publish one blog entry every month. What we’d like to do now is to invite all narrative colleagues across disciplines to send us very short, informal proposals for possible blog entries!

Please send your proposals to

Here’s a very short description of the blog’s general idea, and below a link to more detailed blog guidelines:

Everyone is urged to share their story today, from consumers to multinational corporations, from private citizens to nation states. Storytelling consultants are thriving in today’s storytelling economy, but where are narrative scholars? Do the professional analyzers and theorizers of narrative have a say in the current storytelling boom? The blog aims to popularize the insight and methods of narrative scholarship and features analyses of instrumental storytelling by high-profile narrative scholars.
Concept: The analyzed case – preferably just one – can deal with uses or abuses of the narrative form, storytelling practices or narrative sense-making in any area of life: politics, journalism, business, identity work, artistic/literary sphere, activism, forms of social participation. We encourage our contributors to evaluate possible societal risks or benefits of the type of instrumental storytelling analyzed, while paying special attention to the use of the narrative form in the chosen example. More general reflections on the storytelling boom, its causes and effects, are welcome as far as they support the analysis of the selected case.
Blog Guidelines…/

With my best regards, on behalf of the Instrumental Narratives consortium team,
Maria Mäkelä

Dr. Maria Mäkelä
Senior Lecturer in Comparative Literature
Director of Narrare: Centre for Interdisciplinary Narrative Studies
President, International Society for the Study of Narrative
Tampere University, Finland