2017 Perkins Prize Nominations

Perkins Prize for Books Published in 2015


Established in 1994, the Perkins Prize honors Barbara Perkins and George Perkins, the founders of both The Journal of Narrative Technique and the Society itself. The prize, awarded to the book making the most significant contribution to the study of narrative in a given year, consists of $1,000 plus a contribution of $500 toward expenses for the winning author to attend the Narrative Conference where the award will be presented. 

The Perkins Prize is conceived as a book prize rather than an author prize. Thus all books on the topic of narrative, whether edited collections, collaboratively written books, or monographs, are eligible to compete. If an edited collection or collaboratively written book is selected, the prize goes to the editor(s) or the collaborators. The winner of the competition for books published in 2015 will be announced at the Philadelphia MLA Convention in 2017, and the prize will be presented at the Narrative Conference in Lexington, KY, in March 2017. 

To nominate books with a copyright date of 2015, please send an email with “Perkins Prize” in the subject line to the Chair of the judging committee: Jan Alber <janalber@aias.au.dk>. Publisher, third-party, and self-nominations are appropriate. Copies of books must be sent to each of the three judges. Please indicate in the nominating email whether the publisher or the author will send the books. The deadline for nominations and for receipt of books by the judges is June 1, 2016

Books should be sent by authors or their publishers directly to each of the three members of the judging committee: 


PD Dr. Jan Alber

Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies

Aarhus University
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B, building 1630
8000 Aarhus C


Dr. Alice Bell

Sheffield Hallam University

Humanities Department

1122 Owen Building

City Campus

Sheffield, S1 1WB

England, UK


Prof. Dr. Thomas Pavel

Centre de l’Université de Chicago à Paris

6, rue Thomas Mann

75013 Paris

