Nominations for ISSN Executive Board Members and Second Vice-President
Dear Members of ISSN,
This October the Society will elect two new Executive Board members, to serve for three years, as well as its next Second Vice-President, who serves for four years (proceeding to First Vice-President, President, and Past President).
The nominations for these positions are drawn up by the nominating committee, which comprises the current VP and two other Society members. This year, that is Sarah Copland, Mari Hatavara, and Jan Alber.
All ISSN members are invited to propose names for the nominating committee to consider.
Self-nominations are entirely in order, so don’t be shy! Note that eligible candidates will have attended recent ISSN conferences, and will usually commit to attending two meetings of the ISSN Executive Board in each year of their term – one at the ISSN Conference and one at the MLA Convention. At the same time, don’t hesitate to nominate someone, including yourself, who for good reason (lack of funding, distance, etc.) cannot make it to MLA. Candidates for Second VP should have attended 3 out of the last 5 annual conferences.
Please send your suggestions to Sarah, Mari, and Jan (along with a brief indication of the reason for your recommendation) no later than July 15, 2016.
Sarah Copland:
Mari Hatavara:
Jan Alber: