an international conference    April 6-9, 2000

(Other participant details will be made available upon program finalization)
Thursday  I. 5 panels: 1-2:30 pm    (1:30)

             II. 5 panels: 2:40-4:10 pm      (1:30)

                 III. 5 panels: 4:20-6:05 pm     (1:45)

                          Dinner on your own 6:05-8pm

                     Plenary 1 (Katherine Hayles) 8 pm-9:30 pm.  (1:30)
                           Respondent: Sander Gilman

                         Reception to follow at 9:30 pm

Friday      IV. 7 panels: 8:10 am-9:40 am  (1:30)

             V. 8 panels: 9:50 am-11:35 (1:45)

           Plenary 2 (Johannes Fabian)  11:45-1:15 pm
                           Respondent: Deborah McDowell

                     Lunch (on your own) 1:15-2:30  pm

          VI. 9 panels 2:30-4:15 pm  (1:45)

                      Plenary 3 (David Morris)  4:30-6 pm (1:30)
                           Respondent: Katherine Hayles

                              Dinner on your own

Saturday VII.7 panels: 8:30-10 am (1:30)

                VIII. 9 panels: 10:15-noon (1:45)

                       Business lunch for all (noon-1:15 pm)
                 Plenary 4 (Sander Gilman) 1:15-2:45 pm
                           Respondent: Johannes Fabian

            IX. 9 panels: 3pm-4:45 pm  (1:45)

              X. 8 panels: 4:50-6:35 pm (1:45)

                Dinner on your own

Sunday XI. 7 panels 8:30-10:15 am (1:45)

                Plenary 5 (Deborah McDowell)  10:30-noon
                           Respondent: David Morris

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